Download key invalid

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Download key invalid

Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen
Hi! I'm having the same issue some of the others listed here. I did an update to Joomla 4 a few weeks ago. Now I'm constantly getting the following error:

There was an issue trying to find a Download Key on your setup.
Try reinstalling the extension.

I re-installed the components as requested and have tried multiple times to update the key but I'm still getting the error. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you give me (super) admin access so I can take a look?
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Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you also give me (s)ftp access so I can take a deeper look?
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Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You have something running on your site that is compressing stuff and adding stuff to the output of web calls.
Some type of 'EZ' thing.

It is also adding stuff to pages with type=raw, causing the ajax call to fail which the Regular Labs Download Key script is trying to do.
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Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen
The EZ "wrapper" is from a company called Ezoic. They provided custom ads for your site instead of just using Google. Much better!

I can exclude any directory from being compressed and their tools applied. Can you share with me the directory where this code sits? Also I was wondering if I could just add the download key directly in the database via myphpadmin. If I know the table I can just place it there.

Thanks for your help!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
It is not a directory. It is a url.
See if you can exclude urls that have type=raw (or simply type=) in it.

Pretty much all dynamic web calls are rendered through the index.php in your root and administrator folder.

Excluding the administrator folder is a good idea anyway.
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Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen
Thanks for the quick response!

The admin directory was already excluded. I have tried adding the type=raw as a URL param to ignore but so far no luck. I will also email their technical support team to see if they have any ideas.

Thanks again!
Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen
Thanks again ... haven't heard back from Ezoic yet (contacted them earlier today but it is a weekend). Also it occurred to me that this all started happening AFTER my migration to Joomla 4. Everything (all the modules, Ezoic .... everything) was the same then as it is now... So maybe the Joomla 4 migration broke something????
Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen
Never mind! I have a dev set that is a clone of my production site except that it does NOT use Ezoic. I am NOT having this issue on my dev site so it is definitely something with Ezoic...
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
THe Download Key check in Joomla 4 works differently.
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Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen
I heard back from the Ezoic team:

Hi there,

Our team let us know that they have already set it to not be modified when that param (type=raw) is active, but you could also add in an exclusion rule for caching there too. Let us know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Your Ezoic Team,

Doesn't seem to have fixed the issue however. Is there some other param I should be matching on?

Thank you again for your help with trying to resolve this...
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
This is the URL that fails:
You really need to ask them for further help on this. They need to fix it.
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Mark McKeen's Avatar Mark McKeen
Thank you for sharing that!!! Having the URL made it so we could load the correct exclusion string. We had been trying to match on "type=raw" based on what you had sent earlier, but the URL you just sent is "format=raw". Once we used that everything started working correctly.

Thanks for sticking with me to fix this. A lot of developers just don't care and will blow off paying customers. I appreciate that you helped and it says a lot about your support!

Thanks again!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Oh, I am so very sorry for that type=>format mistake 😬
Being fully awake at the time I wrote that would have saved us all some time and headaches!
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