I have used rereplacer to replace key words in Kunena forum posts with html links for several years.
I have Maximum Replacements set to 1 for all my replacements.
Recently (not sure exactly when - but likely after a joomla core update) the Maximum Replacements value is being ignored and every matching word is replaced rather than respecting my chosen limit of 1.
Examples showing multiple replacements (should be just 1):
Has been same settings for couple of years - and used to work until very recently.
Enable in area - components.
Only between (start):
<div class="kmsg">
Only between (end):
Normally I only use rereplacer in my forum.
But i just added a new rereplacer item to replace the word "Wikivorce" with a hyper link in a normal article on my "about us" page. So you can see that the Maximum Replacements value is ignored even in a normal article:
The word "Wikivorce" should only be replaced once - but is replaced every time (5 times in this article).
The search area for this example is just set to "Body(not in head)"