I've just downloaded your first dev version for J4 to test on a dummy site.
I was trying to create three slightly different versions of the same module.
I created the first a module and created a condition set.
I then copied the module with 'save as copy' then went to the 'Conditions' tab. It shows:
"No condition set has been selected yet...
[ ^ Select existing Condition Set] [ + Create New Condition Set]"
If you click 'Select an existing Condition Set' it shows you the existing set, which when you select it, then bounces you back to the above message. There's no option to edit the set, which, if the set had several conditions and only one little bit needed editing, that's rather a nuisance to have to recreate the whole set again.
I then discovered that if I close the module and reopen it, then the Edit options do appear.
P.S. It would be great if you could include 'Android' in your list of Operating Systems.