Other Articles Field questions

Input "Layout" for Articles Field

Andrea Malalana's Avatar Andrea Malalana
Hey there,

Just like you have the "Layout" option that applies to the Output of each article selected, would it be possible to have an "Input Layout" that applies to how each article appears in the select list/checkboxes?

Basically, just like you can do a Output layout like:

[count] [title] ( [my-custom-field] )

It would be nice if you could do a custom layout for the input layout of each article as well.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Do you mean how the article tiles are show in the Articles Field select list in the article edit page?

No, you cannot customize that.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Andrea Malalana's Avatar Andrea Malalana
Yes, either for the select list or fancy checkboxes list. It would be nice to have an "Input layout" option to customize that as well.
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