We would like the endusers have the possibility to select a template/snippet after selecting article or just use a default one.
For example we need to create a card template with a something like {article=25}<div class="card">[title]</div ... {/article}
We have done something with JCE html template but it need the user to call the article and then insert some HTML template inside the AA moustache.
Is there something already in place or something could be done one day ?
THks for ur idea but i can't see where is the difference with JCE HTMl template.
How contenttemplater (which is very nice) could help the enuser.
In our idea, the end user just have to select an article and the wole html template come with. If the user have to use two different button and inserting shelnnigans it's not wht we are looking for.
We try to create the smoother UX as possible to be closed as possible of what a WP Gutember's custom block can offer.
You could use Snippets, where you can let the user only enter the article title or ID.
Then pass that to the Snippet, which contains all the necessary Articles Anywhere code.