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show articles with subform values after the title of their category

B. D.'s Avatar B. D.
Hi Peter and RL team,
I'd like to show for each category its title followed by Articles from this category with their title and subform.
I don't know if there is a way to achieve :

Category Title
-Article Title
-My custom subform (with one repeatable field)
-Other Article Title
-My custom subform

Other Category Title
-Article Title
-My custom subform

I was able to render close to what I'm looking for with:
<p>{articles tags="mytag"}</p>
<p>{articles-others tags="mytag" category="[category]"}</p>

The thing is it obviously renders for each articles so once for each article.

I'm trying to do :
For,each different category show category title followed by title and subform of articles.

Thx for your time and help.
B. D.'s Avatar B. D.
Hey Peter,
Thx for your answer, unfortunately I couldn't find a 'one-per-category' solution.
Tried earlier but can't achieve the needed filtering.
I found one by removing the doubloons with a javascript function (for reference):
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
<p>{articles tags="mytag" one-per-category="tru"}</p>
<p>{articles-others tags="mytag" category="[category]"}</p>
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
B. D.'s Avatar B. D.
Yep, done that, it doesn't change the rendering with just one-per-category="true".
But found it ! as you insisted I supposed it should be working.
Added to the article tag:
category="My parent category" include-child-categories="true" one-per-category="true"
Thank you for taking the time to follow up, you rock as always.
<p>{articles category="My parent category" include-child-categories="true" tags="mytag" one-per-category="true"}</p>
<p>{articles-others tags="mytag" category="[category]"}</p>
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