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Data Tag for "checked out"

Sigrid Gramlinger's Avatar Sigrid Gramlinger
I am using articles anyhwere to build a table for articles of the current logged-in user.
Which works really great - also with the edit link.
I am just missing an option for "checked out" because then the [edit]-Link is not working properly.

I would like to show the lock-symbol.
That is not there yet, isn't it?

Do you think you can integrate that somehow?
My users are currently a bit irritated, as the links does not help them.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
When I try this on my setup, I get the lock and a checked out text.

It could be that your template is overriding the Joomla template for the edit link.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Sigrid Gramlinger's Avatar Sigrid Gramlinger
hm, I am using YOOtheme and loading the {article} in a text element.
But even in Cassiopeia I get the following HTML code.
I will try deactivating some other plugins.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Cache? Logged in as admin?
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