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Can I sort Order by created All articles from external websites?

seereen's Avatar seereen
Hi Peter,

Can I sort Order by created All articles from external websites? which many external databases And I have pagination too.

{articles limit="30" per_page="20" page_param="mypage" ordering="created DESC"}
{articles} All articles from outside websites {/articles}
{articles limit="30" per_page="20" page_param="mypage" ordering="created DESC"}
    {articles catid="36" limit="40" include-child-categories="true" database="external_database_01"}
    [image-intro replace="src=\"images/=>src=\""]
    <a href="[url]">
    [created format="d F Y"]

    {articles catid="36" limit="40" include-child-categories="true" database="external_database_02"}
    [image-intro replace="src=\"images/=>src=\""]
    <a href="[url]">
    [created format="d F Y"]

    {articles catid="36" limit="40" include-child-categories="true" database="external_database_03"}
    [image-intro replace="src=\"images/=>src=\""]
    <a href="[url]">
    [created format="d F Y"]

Kind regards ?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
No, that is not possible. Each {articles} tag will generate its own output using its own filter and output settings.
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