Sorry for this long question.
I have been out of work for 3 years and I encounter few problems with my articles anywhere plugin pro.
1- First is that I'm not sure about having activated the pro version : I'm changing of site for joomla 4. I have temporarily 2 joomlas on one domain name. So I don't know how to disable my pro licence key on the first old site to have it on my new site.
2- And my other questions is : on my old site (Joomla 3), I had this syntax :
In my memory, {if is-3-of-3} {/if} would help me to display articles as blog in several columns. But it doesn't work on Joomla 4. And I don't find this syntax anymore on your documentation.
Your subscription is not connected to a website. So you can use your Downlood Key on multiple sites. Or create a new Downlood Key here:
thanks ! I discovered all changes in joomla 4. However, I encountere a problem with css in multiple columns.
This type of css personnalization ".grid-3 {display: grid; grid-template-columns:repeat(3,minmax(0,1fr));gap: 1rem;}" (as shown on
) doesn't work at all on my website. It display all articles in a first column of 33% and nothing on the other.
I tried to desactivate all my other css personnalization to verify and it doesn't work too.
I use native template : cassiopeia.