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Filter not working after update to Joomla 4

Rachel Walraven's Avatar Rachel Walraven

I've migrated my site to J4. On the J3 site I had a view with articles anywhere of all articles within a category. Users could hit a link and that would limit the articles to all articles with a specific custom-field value. In J4 this is not working any more. This is de the code I used:

The filter:
<p class="intro">Selecteer op soort: <a href="agenda">Alles</a> / <a href="agenda?soort=1">Activiteiten</a> / <a href="agenda?soort=2">Kinderboekenweek</a> / <a href="agenda?soort=3">UIT agenda</a> / <a href="agenda?soort=4">Overig</a></p>

The articles:
{articles category="Agenda" soort="input:soort:*" ordering="startdatum ASC, starttijd ASC" pagination="true" per_page="12" featured="false"}

Below that, all article information is pulled. When i change soort="input:soort:*" for soort="*" the articles are shown, but the filter doesn't work.

I guess it is a simple alteration, but I can't find it in the docs or on the forum. Hope you can help.

Greetings, Rachel
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Please try the latest development version from:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Rachel Walraven's Avatar Rachel Walraven
Hi Peter,

After installing the development version the articles are showing with the soort="input:soort:*" but the filter still doesn't do anything. I just checkt, but it also doesn't work on the J3 site anymore.

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The Joomla 3 version has not been changed in quite a long time.
As far as I can see, the 'input:...:*' is working fine in filters on both J3 and J4.

Try and make a simple example using the category, see if that works. Extend from there.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
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