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Problem with PDF-Plugin from TechJoomla

Peter Hellinger's Avatar Peter Hellinger
Articles Anywhere v13.1.3 [PRO], Joomla 4.3.0, Techjoomla pdf embed plugin V3.0.0

Hi Peter,
The pdf plugin is not executed in an {articles}-Loop. Code in the Loop:
{if [dokument-1:value] != "0"}
<div class="study-button">
  <p class="text">[dokument-1 layout='false'] <span>(<i class="far fa-file-pdf"></i>):</span></p>
  <a class="view-pdf" aria-label="Show PDF on screen" href="#" data-view="doc1-pdf-[id]" title="Dokument anzeigen"><i class="fas fa-eye fa-lg"></i></a>
  <a class="download" aria-label="Download Document" href="/images/documents/[dokument-1:value]" title="Dokument downloaden" download><i class="fas fa-download fa-lg"></i></a>
  <div id="doc1-pdf-[id]" class="doc-pdf">

This resulsts in the following output, with the plain plugin code and the filename is replaced.

If tried with the content trigger switch to "on", but this did not solve the problem.

Any ideas?

Best regards, Peter
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Is that also a system plugin?
Try changing the ordering of the plugins in question.
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Peter Hellinger's Avatar Peter Hellinger
No, the Plugin is a content plugin, I cant place it to the system plugins.

If I place the pdf-code in the article body, the plugin works.

I'm currently thinking about whether I should leave the PDF in the article, but declare it invisible via CSS and move it to the right place after loading the page with Javascript. Of course, I would prefer if we could solve this with Articles Anywhere.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The limitation is more in that PDF plugin, as it is just a content plugin.

You could possible also just place a placholder via Articles Anywhere (and the pdf in the article).
Then use ReReplacer to 'move' the pdf HTML output to the placeholder.
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Peter Hellinger's Avatar Peter Hellinger
Ah, I just found a solution. Instead of calling the plugin directly, I use the following code
<div id="doc1-pdf-[id]" class="doc-pdf">
  <object type="application/pdf" data="images/documents/[dokument-1:value]" width="100%" height="600">
  Es gibt kein pdf-Plugin, es kann <a download href="images/documents/[dokument-1:value]"> die pdf-Datei heruntergeladen werden.</a>

Problem solved. 🙂

Thanks for your help!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Even better. Just skip the pdf plugin ?
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