I have a site which I have upgraded to Joomla 4 on a sub-domain. I have an article which puts together a lot of articles, to output as one long document. This works well in Joomla 3, but on the Joomla 3 site - there is now shown a navigation at the button with 62 pages ??? Is that a problem with Articles Anywhere for Joomla 4 or ??
Sorry but this seems a bit buggy! I HAVE disabled page navigation in the system plugin. That does not help. Now I tried to just add pagination="false" to the first article tag - but strange things then happen, eg the title of the article with theese tags is shown more than 10 times in a row !!?? Also the articles themselves are repeated many times after theese titles ???
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see/reproduce the issue.
You can use the 'Confidential information' button in the forum editor to hide sensitive information.
I am not sure why the output is breaking on your setup. I expect that one of your articles is containing an invalid HTML structure. And the 'Fix HTML' option in Articles Anywhere is causing the result you see.
You could try switching that option off...
Also, you are now using a bunch of single {article} tags.