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J!3 - How to call a dynamic layout in a articles loop

Nicolas OLIVIER's Avatar Nicolas OLIVIER
In a article override we are trying to do this
<ul class="related__list">
    {articles category="current" limit="3" articles="!current"}
            <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('sepvret.content.card', $this->item); ?>
We use AA in our templates files but we try to call a layout using the current article in the loop. The $this-item is obviously the issue ^^ Can we get the current objet you use in the loop ?

Thanks for your help
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
No, you cannot do that in that way, as the PHP code is rendered before the {articles} tag is.

But you can use the [article] data tag and pass it a layout file.
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Nicolas OLIVIER's Avatar Nicolas OLIVIER
Your layou tag can use the override for html/layout/custom/custom.php ? Not anly articles layout ?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
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