I've been experiencing a persistent issue with Advanced Module Manager across all my Joomla sites. The backend layout appears broken, making it difficult to use some functionalities effectively.
One of the main problems is that I cannot properly filter the selected menu items—the filtering options don't work as expected, making it hard to manage module assignments efficiently.
This issue has been present for a long time on different Joomla installations, even after updates.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there a known fix or workaround?
Looks like a nesting issue in your menu items setup.
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
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Sorry for the delay, I was out of the office. I emptied the menu trash and rebuilt the menus but nothing changed. So I created the FTP credentials, many thanks
Sorry, I took another look, but this is definately an issue in your menu items somewhere.
Check the default Joomla modules view, and see what the menu assignments look like on any module. You'll see the same issue. So not a Regular Labs Advanced Module Manager/Conditions issue.