Other Advanced Module Manager questions

Advanced Module Manager - for banners

Rik Brown's Avatar Rik Brown
I'm using JReviews and have recently started using AMM to place Joomla banners via modules using AMM's URL condition. That allows me to target the banner ad based on a 'category' specified in the URI such as /hotels/.

But I'd like to be able to target ads based on locations for which JReviews has database columns for country, state, city + a unique numeric id which is also in the URI (/category/id-title-of-the-page).

Would I be able to use the PHP function of AMM to determine which Joomla banner ad to display? Or, would another program work better (I'm thinking Sorcerer)? Or, would neither work in my situation?

Thanks. -- Rik
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yes, you should be able to use the PHP condition to check whatever data you need and return a true/false depending if you want to show it or not.

If you do not have the skills to create the php code necessary yourself, you could ask the JReviews support if they can provide you with a php snippet to do the checks you need.

For more on the PHP conditions:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Rik Brown's Avatar Rik Brown
I'll try to work it out myself. I just wanted to make sure it would be possible first. Thanks.
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