Unfortunately, all modules have lost their conditions / assignment rules.
The Joomla 4 upgrade worked fine, the only messages I got were from the Regular Labs that I should install the joomla 4 verions of the extensions. I installed the advanced module manager through the Regular Labs Extension Manager and after it didn't work, I also installed it through the Joomla installer...
I can see that some conditions are created, but when I open them they all have no rules...
I've seen a couple of posts about it in the forum but unfortunately they didn't help me. Do you have any idea and can you please help? We're running out of ideas here...
Can you give me (super) admin, (s)ftp and database (PhpMyAdmin) access so I can take a look?
And also provide database access to the J3 version.
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thank you very much. I created two versions of the site for you.
One is the Joomla 3 in state just BEFORE the migration.
The other one is Joomla 4 directy AFTER migration. I DID NOT re-install your extensions on Joomla 4 so you can try it yourself. It seems like some of the conditions are created, but without any rules.