The urls you are giving are HikaShop Category pages.
The Exclude you selected for the HikaShop Categories only has the Page Type "Products" selected. So it has no effect on the Category pages.
So not an issue/bug. Just not the correct things selected to do what you want.
ok I see, you're right... but it's strange because yesterday I tried several settings and the module was still displayed on all pages.
I just tried it on the local site and even when selecting "Categories" in “Page Type” the module is still displayed. Only after clearing caches in Joomla and in the browser conditions were taken into account... maybe a cache problem?
Anyway, now it's working and I think it's better to always clear the caches. Thanks.
...finally I think there is really a problem with cache, I've been playing with conditions since this morning and displays are totally random, sometimes the module displays sometimes not, sometimes it continues to be displayed when deactivated, sometimes displayed on all positions; but it always displays with the correct conditions only after a few minutes, after browsing other pages for a while...