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Hoster blocks Website when using the advanced Module manager

Elisa Foltyn's Avatar Elisa Foltyn
Hi Peter,
I recommended the advanced module manager to a customer but the performance of the website it going really low when using the advanced module manager. Also due to too many requests the server is going into its knees and the hoster even blocks the whole server.
Is there anything to do about it?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Is caching enabled?

Please try the latest development version from:
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Elisa Foltyn's Avatar Elisa Foltyn
I will forward it to the customer and ask if they enabled caching, but I am not managing their site. Thank you!
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I fixed some things in latest dev version that should improve stuff...
Mind you, these performance improvements (caching of certain db results) does not take place when debugging is on.
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