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Información de Pago

Universidad La Gran Colombia's Avatar Universidad La Gran Colombia
Buen día

son tan ambles de ayudarnos ya que evidenciamos que el pago se cobro dos veces, por lo cual solicitamos saber el porque se duplico y recibir una ayuda si realizan devolución de dinero.

Gracias, quedamos atentos
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
In English...?
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Universidad La Gran Colombia's Avatar Universidad La Gran Colombia
Good day

They are so kind to help us since we show that the payment was charged twice, so we ask to know why it is doubled and to receive help if we refund the money.

Thank you, we remain attentive.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I am not sure why it has been charged and processed twice.

Your subscription has been extended by 2 years, though.
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