Other Advanced Module Manager questions

Switch to Joomla Core Module Manager

Silke Menne's Avatar Silke Menne

if I use the button to switch back to Joomla Core Module Manager - does it just affect the single module I am currently working on, or does it affect all the modules that exist in my system?

Sorry, if this is a stupid question ...

Kind regards

Silke 🙂
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
It just load the core edit view for that module. It doesn't disable Advanced Module Manager or change the way the frontend works.

Editing the module in the core module manager can cause settings you made via Advanced Module Manager for that module to get lost though.
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Silke Menne's Avatar Silke Menne
Hi Peter, great 🙂 Thanks! 🙂
Silke Menne's Avatar Silke Menne
One more question: When I save a module in core module manager, is there a way to switch back to the Advanced Module Manager? There is no button, so I am clueless on how to switch back.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Change the url from option=com_modules to com_advancedmodules.
Or exit the module manager (go to the main cpanel for instance), and then select the module manager again. That should now open Advanced Module Manager again.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Silke Menne's Avatar Silke Menne
Hi Peter, perfect! It works as described, thank you so much for your help 🙂
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