- after migrating to j4 every condition sets has been created 3 times resulting in many redundant condition sets. For modules, rereplacer and content templater.
- the color swatches on mobile are not round but ellipse
Probably something went wrong during migration.
Does this happen every time you try?
Regarding the layout: It looks like you are using a custom administrator template. See if you have the same issues with the Joomla core admin template. As I don't see the issues you reported.
Are the duplicate conditions something you can easily fix by deleting the redundant ones afterward?
It's possible, but we have hundreds of modules, rereplacer items and content templater items and some are duplicated 2, 3 or 4 times which makes it difficult to identify the items.
I cannot reproduce this issue... What do you mean by this?
Me neither anymore. check. The column of the module titles was to wide resulting in a broken layout.
Please try the latest development version from:
Installing the latest dev version results in an empty error message.
Just to let you know. After the migration to Joomla 4 and go installing all regular labs. I changed the order of installation and when I install Advanced Module Managers latest dev verision as the last one I experience (almost) no issues. Some conditions are still duplicates (10 instead of 150) but that's ok.
What I also noticed is, that some of these duplicate conditions have a slug name which was the name of the module before renaming but the title is the current correct one. Somewhere the information of the older name must be stored and AMM is using that to create conditions.
This part here. "Somewhere the information of the older name must be stored and AMM is using that to create conditions. "
Is my guess too bcs I have an old settings for exlude that have become include instead now and make the module show up, opposite to the old exclude menu url item. Even after I remove all conditions settings this module shows up where it should not and I only use include for the start menu.
hmm so I dont know where this old info comes from and stored bcs this was an exclude setting before that I did bcs AMM could not work as it should I guess with compability issues with a Joomla extension before.
Update: I could fix my issue by using the url function and reg ex exlude and that working so now I can exlude that loading module on the Joomla component Joomla Business Directory CMSJunkie url instead.
So its strange that you must force this to happend and why not settings langauge and one start menu work where it should load only..