I know you are working hard on this and not sure if this is something you are aware of or if the issue is on my end.
FYI: On my local test install, when adding text with or without tags to the AMM html before/after fields in joomla modules and saving, the content is stripped from the field but is shown on the front end. If saving again all value is then lost on the front because the field is blank.
I'm using Jreviews and the interesting thing is jreviews modules save the markup, but not joomla modules.
In the mean time I'll keep trying to deduce if something else is causing the issue. Let me know if you can't reproduce this. If not I will look elsewhere.
EDIT: This is the latest version I have, AdvancedModuleManager-v9.0.0-dev2243417-PRO, from today.
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
And tell me where I can see/reproduce the issue.
You can use the 'Confidential information' button in the forum editor to hide sensitive information.
This is a Joomla 4 test install on my local. The server still is in joomla 3, will have to see about setting up a temp server and install to give access.
This final version fixed the issue. Was in no hurry and figured it would work out by final release. Just letting you know the status as testing goes along.