Other Advanced Module Manager questions

Title does not show and categories don't save - v9.0.0-dev2234246

cody dan's Avatar cody dan

Giving v4 a test run on my local and modules show without the module title. However the HTML Before and after fields do output the content.

When selecting a category to assign a module too, the category is not saved and there is not a category column in AMM module list. Category creation is successful when adding new.

Just letting you know as you probably have a ways to go to get things finished up.

Thanks for the excellent work!

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Thanks for the feedback.

I cannot reproduce the title thing. Titles show fine on my setups I am testing on.
Maybe a template specific issue? Do the titles show when using the core module manager?
If so, can you reproduce this on an online environment so I can take a look?

The category field is a bit weird, as it doesn't work the same as - say - the tags field.
You need to select 'Create New Category' and then just type in the name you want in the field that shows. Then save.
I will probably rewrite the code for that field to be more user-friendly. So you can just type in the initial field (which now just functions as a search), so when you save, it uses whatever you typed.
Or when typing and pressing enter, it will 'create' that category, like in the Tags field.
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The category field has now been improved. Should be a lot simpler and clearer to use now.
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cody dan's Avatar cody dan
OK, figured out what was happening with the titles not showing and thank you Peter for the suggestion. If having custom front end templates assigned to joomla menu items, and a module assigned to that page, the inherit setting for the module style did not load everything needed and would only show the title if selecting a style from that specific front end template. Never had this issue before with a default setting. Good call!

Will install the updated version to look at categories in the morning. Have some custom php with modules to test as well.

Thank you for your hard work and hope you get healed up soon. Been there...

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Advanced Module Manager for Joomla 4 is nearing the stable release… probably next week.

I just have 1 main thing to do: migrate existing core menu, language and publish date settings of modules to the AMM Conditions on first installation.

Latest dev version:
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cody dan's Avatar cody dan
Thanks Peter!

Have been following the dev daily. Looks great!

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Advanced Module Manager for Joomla 4 has been released:

If you find any issues, please let me know.
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