Release Notes

Content Templater
12.0.21 09 July 2024

  • Fixes issue with a low level XXS vulnerability when someone with admin rights can inject XXS into condition names
  • Fixes issue with conditions page and preview not working on new Chrome due to use of DOMSubtreeModified

Content Templater
12.0.20 08 July 2024

  • Fixes issue php error when uploading media
  • PRO Fixes issue with not all Geo location conditions working

Content Templater
12.0.19 04 June 2024

  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 4.8.06
  • Updates some deprecated code
  • Fixes issue with php error about hasOtherUsesByConditionId when using empty user conditions
  • Fixes issue with php error about matchAll

Content Templater
12.0.18 28 March 2024

  • Fixes issue with php error in editor popup when selecting multiple categories in the filter

Content Templater
12.0.17 04 March 2024

  • Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases

Content Templater
12.0.16 04 March 2024

  • Fixes issue with PHP TypeError about getTag returning null
  • Fixes issue with error about JFactory when using PHP code
  • Scopes external composer libraries to prevent conflicts

Content Templater
12.0.15 20 February 2024

  • Fixes issue with some fields not showing full multi select list

Content Templater
12.0.14 15 January 2024

  • Fixes issue with installation error about table Array (again)
  • PRO Fixes issue with auto-load templates not loading on mobile in some cases
  • J5 Fixes issue with icons not loading

Content Templater
12.0.13 28 December 2023

  • PRO Fixes issue with php error about getAgent returning null

Content Templater
12.0.12 20 December 2023

  • Fixes issue with php error about selectList on select fields with loads of items

Content Templater
12.0.11 13 December 2023

  • Changes layout of editor button popup
  • Fixes issue with breaking error about passSimple when using certain conditions
  • Fixes issue with errors when trying to install/update via CLI
  • PRO Fixes issue with tags conditions throwing errors

Content Templater
12.0.10 04 December 2023

  • Fixes issue with potential error during installation when upgrading from Joomla 3

Content Templater
12.0.9 02 December 2023

  • Fixes issue with error about ConditionField::getButton
  • Fixes issue with fatal error when Regular Labs is not installed

Content Templater
12.0.8 01 December 2023

  • Fixes issue with php error about prepareSelection

Content Templater
12.0.7 01 December 2023

  • Improves memory usage
  • Refactors some code
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 4.8.04

Content Templater
12.0.6 23 November 2023

  • Refactors some code
  • PRO Fixes issue with conditions cache not being cleared on saving
  • PRO Fixes issue with php deprecation error about creation of dynamic property canCheckin
  • PRO Fixes issues with modal popups for editing/selecting/removing conditions not being accessible with users without core.admin permissions
  • PRO Fixes issues with rules not being copied when duplicating condition sets

Content Templater
12.0.5 30 October 2023

  • Fixes issue with conditions list being cached

Content Templater
12.0.4 30 October 2023

  • PRO Fixes issue with the cache of conditions not getting cleared when saving/changing them

Content Templater
12.0.3 25 October 2023

  • Fixes issue with condition rules getting cached in administrator side
  • Fixes issue with php errors about array_keys
  • PRO Fixes issue with access level and user group conditions not working correctly when selecting the 'Match All' option

Content Templater
12.0.2 21 October 2023

  • PRO Improves frontend rendering speed by caching certain database queries
  • Fixes issue with editor button icon not displaying correctly in some editors
  • J5 Fixes issue with fatal errors in editor button popup about onBeforeRender event
  • J5 Fixes issue with fatal errors when trying to duplicate conditions
  • J5 Fixes issue with fatal errors when trying to duplicate items

Content Templater
12.0.1 05 October 2023

  • PRO Fixes issue with time conditions (before/after) not working

Content Templater
12.0.0 21 September 2023

  • J3 Removes Joomla 3 support
  • J4J5 Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
  • J4J5 Fixes issue with date assignments not taking time zone into account correctly
  • J5 Fixes issue with errors on installation

Content Templater
11.5.0 04 September 2023

  • J4 Increases minimum php version to 8.1

Content Templater
11.4.1 27 August 2023

  • J4J5PRO Fixes issue with autoload templates not getting loaded on frontend if the editor button is disabled for frontend
  • J5 Fixes issue with extension getting disabled on Joomla 5

Content Templater
11.4.0 02 August 2023

  • J5 Makes it possible to install on Joomla 5
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with [[article]] dynamic tags not working

Content Templater
11.3.4 12 June 2023

  • J4PRO Fixes issue with 'include children' setting on categories not getting converted from Joomla 3 assignments

Content Templater
11.3.3 08 June 2023

  • J4 Fixes issue with ordering (drag 'n' drop) not working

Content Templater
11.3.2 11 May 2023

  • PRO Fixes issue with SQL error concerning 'a.params' on upgrade from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 when using MariaDB

Content Templater
11.3.1 04 May 2023

  • J4 Fixes issues with items not showing in editor button popup on some setups

Content Templater
11.3.0 25 April 2023

  • Adds link to the documentation in the footer text
  • J4 Improves memory usage preventing memory exhaustion in some cases
  • Fixes styling issue on the colors in the admin list view on iOS Chrome
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with trashed articles showing in the article select field in conditions

Content Templater
11.2.2 27 March 2023

  • J4 Fixes issues with some PHP 8.2 warnings

Content Templater
11.2.1 27 March 2023

  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP errors/warnings on PHP 8.2
  • J4 Fixes issues with classes not being defined after upgrading from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 on some setups

Content Templater
11.2.0 23 March 2023

  • PRO Adds ability to use USE statements in PHP conditions
  • J4 Fixes issue with dropdown buttons not working in multiselect fields in the Conditions modal popup screen

Content Templater
11.1.7 14 March 2023

  • J4 Fixes issue with editor button not working on the frontend (in some cases)
  • J4 Fixes issue with formatting issues in frontend editor button popup on some templates

Content Templater
11.1.6 27 February 2023

  • J4PRO Fixes issue with auto-load templates being inserted again after save
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with errors when using Zoo category condition rules

Content Templater
11.1.5 07 February 2023

  • PRO Fixes issue with Download Key check not working on some setups
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'Combine Admin Menu' option in the Regular Labs Library plugin not working
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with Conditions component sometimes not installing

Content Templater
11.1.4 22 December 2022

  • J4 Forces the Conditions component to be published on update/installation
  • J4 Fixes issue with conversion of old assignments to new conditions failing when the names are too long
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with time conditions not working correctly with timezone offsets

Content Templater
11.1.3 24 November 2022

  • J4 FREE Fixes issue with main Content Templater editor button not showing up

Content Templater
11.1.2 24 November 2022

  • Removes not-used language files after installation
  • Fixes issue with incorrect prefix characters for comments in the language files
  • J4 Fixes issue with potential errors during conversion of old assignments to conditions

Content Templater
11.1.1 16 November 2022

  • J4 Fixes issue with dates in conditions apply double offset in some cases
  • J4 Fixes issue with layout including sidebar when changing filters or pagination in editor button popup

Content Templater
11.1.0 28 October 2022

  • J4PRO Removes "Include no itemid" option from Menu Item condition rule, as it is useless in Joomla 4
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop categories not showing in condition rule

Content Templater
11.0.1 25 October 2022

  • J4 Fixes issue 'Also on Child Items' options not working correctly for menu item and category condition rules
  • J4 Fixes issue with broken fields in the plugin settings
  • J4 Fixes issue with conditions not being shown in item edit pages on some setups
  • J4 Fixes issue with editor button not working on frontend
  • J4 Fixes issue with fields not always being set/overridden if default value is numeric
  • J4 Fixes issue with main 'Content Template' editor button showing when there are no templates available in the popup
  • J4 Fixes issue with separate buttons not having the correct ordering
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with Dynamic Tags not working in fields other than the main content
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with certain conditions not working in the editor button popup
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with custom fields not being set if the template also changes the category and fields are assigned to that category
  • J4PRO Fixes issue with not all group buttons showing when having a lot of items

Content Templater
11.0.0 03 October 2022

  • J4 Adds Joomla 4 support
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ

Content Templater
10.3.0 06 September 2022

  • Changes code styling: tabs to spaces
  • Changes installer to use a package manifest instead of a custom installer plugin
  • Refactors some code
  • Updated some php code to use PHP 7.4 standards
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.39
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, tr-TR

Content Templater
10.2.0 23 April 2022

  • Adds option to ignore groups in ordering of items in the editor button popup
  • Updates translations: fr-FR
  • Fixes issue with ordering not being applied correctly to items in the editor button popup

Content Templater
10.1.0 10 February 2022

  • Increases minimum php version to 7.4.0
  • J3PRO Reduces amount of queries needed for usergroup assignments
  • Fixes issue with error on installation when using php 8.1 or higher
  • Fixes issue with items not being grouped by category in the editor button list
  • Fixes issue with some error messages that should only show in admin side also showing on frontend
  • PRO Fixes issue with excluding by parent category not working for EasyBlog, HikaShop, K2, MijoShop, Redshop, Virtuemart and Zoo

Content Templater
10.0.8 20 September 2021

  • Changes content column in database to use MEDIUMTEXT instead of TEXT to allow larger texts (on new installs)
  • Updates translations: es-ES, tr-TR

Content Templater
10.0.7 24 August 2021

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater for editor button plugin

Content Templater
10.0.6 14 August 2021

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater
  • Updates translations: sk-SK
  • Fixes issue with import form not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with javascript error causing edit page to break on some setups/editors
  • Fixes issue with non-html pages (like raw) being forced to html format in some case
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError being thrown on some xml pages
  • Fixes issue with potential php error about undefined property $button_text

Content Templater
10.0.5 14 July 2021

  • Fixes issue with Override Content no longer working
  • Fixes issue with Override Settings no longer working
  • Fixes issue with ordering of templates not reflecting in the editor button

Content Templater
10.0.4 13 June 2021

  • Improves syntax (and file size) of css and minified css files
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with content not being inserted when using RokPad editor
  • Fixes issue with not all items being collected on frontend in some cases when using shared sessions
  • Fixes issue with template text not getting inserted into editor in some cases

Content Templater
10.0.3 27 May 2021

  • Cleans up code
  • Fixes issue editor list showing partially outside page margin
  • Fixes issue with installation causing fatal errors in some cases
  • Fixes issue with meta description and keys being added to the content editor
  • Fixes issue with some radio and checkbox fields not being set

Content Templater
10.0.2 25 May 2021

  • Fixes issue with editor button causing issues with editor

Content Templater
10.0.1 25 May 2021

  • Fixes issue with editor button not working
  • Fixes issue with error about undefined method NNParameters::getPlugin() on setups still containing old code

Content Templater
10.0.0 22 May 2021

  • PRO Adds case-sensitive option to URL assignment
  • PRO Removes specific browser and OS version assignments
  • Changes code in minified javascript files to not use eval
  • Changes export files to use .json file extension
  • Cleans up code
  • Improves dealing with Joomla 3 code (disabling plugins) after upgrading to Joomla 4
  • Increases minimum php version to 7.2.0
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.37
  • Updates translations: de-DE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with incorrect update urls on plugins
  • PRO Fixes issue with Dtata tags in nested templates not getting replaced

Content Templater
9.0.1 24 March 2021

  • FREE Fixes fatal php error about unexpected 'self' on creating or editing articles

Content Templater
9.0.0 24 March 2021

  • Removes contact table setting
  • FREE Moves support for Dynamic Tags to Pro version only
  • Fixes issue with edit state permissions not being handled correctly

Content Templater
8.5.5 23 February 2021

  • Improves speed of initializing condition checks on page load
  • Fixes issue with some item assignments not passing correctly

Content Templater
8.5.4 22 October 2020

  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to HikaShop Product Listing sometimes also passing on HikaShop Product pages

Content Templater
8.5.3 14 September 2020

  • More preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to ZOO item not working when it has a direct menu item

Content Templater
8.5.2 19 August 2020

  • Fixes issue with modal popups not respecting right-to-left languages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about too few arguments passed to function onContentPrepare

Content Templater
8.5.1 17 August 2020

  • Fixes issue with missing file causing an error on installation

Content Templater
8.5.0 17 August 2020

  • Improves page load speed when using many assignments
  • Preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility
  • Fixes issue with missing language strings
  • PRO Fixes issue with some 3rd party assignments not working correctly (due to changes in request data)
  • PRO Fixes issue with temporary php function files (for the PHP assignment) being deleted before it is fully read on some server setups

Content Templater
8.4.2 07 July 2020

  • Fixes issue with Expand/Collapse options missing on multi-select fields
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom date fields not being saved properly after being filled

Content Templater
8.4.1 23 June 2020

  • Fixes issue with name incrementing on each save

Content Templater
8.4.0 21 June 2020

  • Adds extra css class to editor buttons which can be used for custom styling
  • Makes IP address in IP condition be taken from the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR value if set
  • Makes multiselect fields show the total number of items and selected items
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.34
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, nl-NL, sv-SE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with publish state not being correct on importing items
  • Fixes issue with the authors select field breaking when having more users than the "Maximum List Count" setting
  • PRO Fixes issue with templates not showing in modal popup when using menu item assignments

Content Templater
8.3.0 28 March 2020

  • Adds ability to override the "Ask before inserting template" setting per Content Templater item
  • Updates translations: sv-SE, zh-CN
  • Fixes issue with category selection in editor button popup not always showing
  • Fixes issue with fatal php error on frontend when fields system plugin is disabled
  • PRO Fixes issue with templates not getting auto-loaded on edit pages linked from category pages

Content Templater
8.2.0 10 October 2019

  • Adds ability to place param, images, url, meta and custom field data from the article via the [article::...] Dynamic Tags
  • Fixes issue with items not being set to unpublished when using Save as Copy
  • PRO Fixes issue with article assignments sometimes not passing correctly (due to empty author array)
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom fields that are category dependant not getting filled if template also changes the category

Content Templater
8.1.0 04 September 2019

  • Updates translations: it-IT
  • PRO Fixes issue with auto-load templates being loaded on existing articles (and other items)

Content Templater
8.0.1 28 August 2019

  • Fixes issue with potential php error concerning normalizer_normalize()

Content Templater
8.0.0 26 August 2019

  • Major release for Content Templater!

    For the full details on the new features, check out the blog post.
  • Adds Trashed state to Status dropdown
  • Adds ability to "Ignore" the Category field setting
  • Adds ability to add a CSS class name to individual editor buttons
  • PRO Adds ability to set values of Joomla Custom Fields
  • PRO Adds ability to show the editor buttons in the toolbar too
  • PRO Adds ability to use [article::...] Dynamic Tags
  • Changes default 'Display Categories' setting to 'Grouped with Category Title'
  • Changes javascript ContentTemplater.loadTemplate function signature to: (id, editorname, article_id, nocontent, is_modal)
  • Changes layout of editor button modal popup
  • Changes layout of options in item edit page
  • Moves Dynamic Tags reference to modal button in toolbar
  • Switching category from the article edit form now updates the templates selection and triggers templates set to Auto Load
  • Syncs available options to be the exact same as core content
  • Updates some language strings and descriptions
  • Updates translations: nl-NL, pl-PL, zh-CN
  • PRO Changes the method used to set values of other form fields to "Fields -> Custom"
  • PRO Updates list of Publishing Assignments
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError concerning Registry in item edit page
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain AcyMailing pages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain HikaShop pages
  • Fixes various issues with some fields not being set correctly
  • Makes editor button popup remember the last used category filter
  • PRO Fixes issue with SQL errors when using assignments by Tag in some edge cases
  • PRO Fixes issue with administrator components not showing in component assignment list

Content Templater
7.5.2 30 March 2019

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.8.0 to Joomla 3.9.0
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.33
  • Fixes conditions by pagetype and article not working on article edit views

Content Templater
7.5.1 16 January 2019

  • Updates translations: et-EE
  • Fixes issue with language setting not getting overridden
  • PRO Fixes issue with html tags in content not being inserted as content with auto-loaded templates

Content Templater
7.5.0 26 November 2018

  • Adds support for User Action Logs (includes new plugin)
  • PRO Adds field for article option 'Browser Page Titles'
  • PRO Adds field for article option 'Show Associations'
  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Improves way Regular Labs Library scripts and styles are loaded on admin side
  • Refactors some code
  • Updates translations: et-EE, nb-NO, tr-TR
  • PRO Changes ordering of article options to be same as core
  • Fixes issue with error about class 'StringHelper' not found when saving items as a copy
  • PRO Fixes issue with 3rd party conditions not showing
  • PRO Fixes issue with menu items with types 'separator', 'heading', 'alias' and 'url' not being selectable (meaning you can use the “Also on Child Items” option)
  • PRO Fixes issue with user type fields (like Created By) not being set when loading template

Content Templater
7.4.10 30 October 2018

  • Fixes issue with fatal error about Too few arguments passed to ShowOn::show

Content Templater
7.4.9 30 October 2018

  • Fixes issue with fatal error about ShowOn not found

Content Templater
7.4.8 30 October 2018

  • Changes ordering of assignment types
  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Improves menu item select field
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with asset rules sometimes not being correct
  • Fixes issue with some missing language strings
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 category assignment not working on empty K2 item edit forms where category is preselected

Content Templater
7.4.7 02 October 2018

  • Removes deprecated helper files from the Regular Labs Library
  • Removes old Joomla 3.6 (and lower) compatibility code
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.7.0 to Joomla 3.8.0
  • Rearranges plugin options
  • Fixes issue with title not incrementing when saving as copy

Content Templater
7.4.6 13 August 2018

  • Fixes issue with some field types not getting filled with template values

Content Templater
7.4.5 11 August 2018

  • Fixes issue with javascript error breaking the loading of templates

Content Templater
7.4.4 10 August 2018

  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.32
  • PRO Fixes issue with extra fields with type number not getting filled
  • PRO Fixes issue with form not working correctly when K2 has loads of empty tags

Content Templater
7.4.3 26 April 2018

  • Fixes issue with multiselect fields with large selections sometimes not loading
  • Fixes issue with unpublished/trashed items in select lists not getting styled correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with PHP conditions not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with php conditions causing errors when used multiple times on one page load

Content Templater
7.4.2 13 March 2018

  • Fixes issue with selection being exported again after selecting filters in list
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop product page type condition not working

Content Templater
7.4.1 24 January 2018

  • Fixes issue with editor button not showing on AcyMailing pages

Content Templater
7.4.0 22 January 2018

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.6.0 to Joomla 3.7.0
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.30
  • PRO Updates browser list
  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side on Joomla 3.7.0
  • PRO Fixes issue with browser assignment not working on some Internet Explorer 11 browsers
  • PRO Fixes issue with incorrect language tags on some HikaShop page types

Content Templater
7.3.4 04 January 2018

  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side (again!)

Content Templater
7.3.3 04 January 2018

  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side

Content Templater
7.3.2 04 January 2018

  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • Fixes issue with templates not loading in some cases

Content Templater
7.3.1 13 December 2017

  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.29
  • Updates translations: da-DK, nl-NL, ru-RU, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with multi-select fields not showing on some setups
  • Fixes issue with templates showing in editor button list when Show in Button option is off
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop page type assignments not working correctly

Content Templater
7.3.0 10 October 2017

  • Adds ability to override content in editor
  • Updates translations: bg-BG
  • PRO Improves loading speed of item edit page by loading assignment select lists through ajax
  • Fixes issue with multi-select fields not showing correctly
  • Fixes issue with some multi-select fields not storing the selection
  • PRO Fixes issue with IP range conditions not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with some locations in Mexico City not matching region 'Distrito Federal'

Content Templater
7.2.1 05 September 2017

  • Fixes issue with menu assignments not working when using aliases
  • Fixes issue with some assignments return false positives

Content Templater
7.2.0 04 September 2017

  • PRO Adds time fields in date from/to calendar selection
  • Improves styling of editor button popup
  • Improves the way the system plugin methods gets called
  • Updates Mobile Detect Library to 2.8.25
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ
  • PRO Fixes issue with Joomla updater not seeing new Pro versions after upgrading from Free to Pro
  • PRO Fixes issue with error on frontend when using php assignments and there is a write permission issue in the tmp folder
  • PRO Fixes issue with fatal error when using RedShop 2.0

Content Templater
7.1.6 26 June 2017

  • Adds new EasyBlog page types
  • Updates translations: de-DE, id-ID, it-IT, sv-SE
  • Fixes issue with templates not getting loaded automatically if user has no core edit/create permissions

Content Templater
7.1.5 19 May 2017

  • Fixes issue with page reloading when trying to set the category via a template
  • Fixes issue with potential jQuery error in editor popup on some setups
  • Fixes issue with template list not showing in button

Content Templater
7.1.4 02 May 2017

  • PRO Fixes issue with VirtueMart Product assignments throwing an error

Content Templater
7.1.3 28 April 2017

  • Fixes issue with disabled/blocked users not appearing in user assignment field
  • Fixes issue with templates not getting inserted with editor fields using special characters in id attribute

Content Templater
7.1.2 12 April 2017

  • Fixes issue with ordering not working in list when having categories with spaces
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 tag page type assignment not working

Content Templater
7.1.1 02 April 2017

  • Fixes issue with Publishing tab not opening in template edit view

Content Templater
7.1.0 17 March 2017

  • Renames 'Custom Fields' to 'Other Fields' to prevent confusion with Joomla 3.7 Custom Fields.

Content Templater
7.0.4 08 March 2017

  • FREE Fixes issue with editor button throwing fatal error

Content Templater
7.0.3 08 March 2017

  • Fixes issue with filter by category not working in editor button popup for categories with spaces/special characters
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignments not affecting template list in editor button popup

Content Templater
7.0.2 03 March 2017

  • Fixes issue with content getting messed up when using the dynamic [[user]] tag
  • Fixes issue with potential undefined offset error

Content Templater
7.0.1 22 February 2017

  • Fixes issue with template content being inserted twice when using no editor
  • FREE Fixes issue with fatal error

Content Templater
7.0.0 22 February 2017

  • PRO Adds ability to assign by device type (desktop, tablet, mobile) based on agent string
  • PRO Adds option to only pass Tags assignment if article contains all tags from selection
  • PRO Adds option to only pass Usergroup assignment if user has all usergroups from selection
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.4.1 to Joomla 3.6.0
  • Changes minimum requirement from php 5.3.13 to php 5.4
  • Completely recoded the extension and Regular Labs Library (now using namespaces)
  • Updates translations: de-DE, id-ID, uk-UA
  • Fixes issue with Regular Labs Library plugin causing slowness in administrator when 'Show Help Menu Item' is enabled
  • Fixes issue with editor buttons not working on some setups
  • Fixes issue with separate buttons not working when editor has uppercase characters in id name
  • Fixes issue with some select fields not being shows
  • Fixes issues with page breaking when Regular Labs Library folder is missing
  • PRO Fixes issue with Day of the Week condition not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with K2 Item and Pagetype conditions not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with some assignments not working any more when using VM/Zoo assignments
  • PRO Fixes issue with updates via core installer sometimes failing

Content Templater
6.2.8 14 November 2016

  • Fixes issue with comma separated list values not being converted to select list selections when changing max list count
  • Fixes issue with editor button popup not working when core.edit.own ACL setting does not pass
  • PRO Fixes issue with browser agent check giving php notices

Content Templater
6.2.7 10 November 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with ipads passing as mobile phone device

Content Templater
6.2.6 10 November 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with auto loading templates by URL/default not working

Content Templater
6.2.5 24 October 2016

  • Fixes issue with editor button not working on some forms (like Zoo)

Content Templater
6.2.4 24 October 2016

  • Fixes issue with commas and bars in text area field selections not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with publish up/down fields getting pre-filled

Content Templater
6.2.3 19 October 2016

  • Adds translations: nl-BE
  • Fixes issue with editor button not working on some forms (like FlexiContent category form)
  • PRO Fixes issue with Access Level selection not showing as multiselect
  • PRO Updates agent detection scripts to v2.8.22

Content Templater
6.2.2 05 September 2016

  • Fixes issue with administrator returning blank on some setups

Content Templater
6.2.1 01 September 2016

  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to tags not working on tag pages
  • PRO Updates browser detection scripts
  • PRO Updates list of browsers in Browser Assignment

Content Templater
6.2.0 03 August 2016

  • Updates translations: ru-RU
  • Fixes issue with page breaking when core contact component gets uninstalled
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop category assignments not working

Content Templater
6.1.1 13 July 2016

  • Fixes issue with templates in editor button modal popup not working

Content Templater
6.1.0 13 July 2016

  • Adds category selection in modal popup
  • Moves html to layout files
  • Updates translations: hu-HU, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with editor button popup throwing error in Joomla 3.6

Content Templater
6.0.4 16 June 2016

  • Fixes issue with trashed and archived tags appearing in tag list

Content Templater
6.0.3 14 June 2016

  • Updates translations: tr-TR

Content Templater
6.0.2 07 June 2016

  • PRO Adds missing MijShop page type assignments
  • Fixes issue with override settings option not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with GeoIP assignments having weird layout in Dutch due to issue in language file

Content Templater
6.0.1 25 May 2016

  • Updates translations: da-DK
  • Fixes issue with Item Image selection only being visible when 'As separate Editor Button' option is on
  • PRO Fixes issue with VirtueMart category selection being empty when using different languages
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom fields not working in all (jform) forms
  • PRO Fixes some incorrect or missing region names

Content Templater
6.0.0 16 April 2016

  • Moves from NoNumber to Regular Labs branding

Content Templater
5.4.3 07 April 2016

  • PRO Works around bug in php 7.0.5 causing assignments to not work

Content Templater
5.4.2 01 April 2016

  • Fixes issue with button enabled settings not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignments not working

Content Templater
5.4.1 16 March 2016

  • Fixes issue with missing file causing the buttons to not work

Content Templater
5.4.0 15 March 2016

  • Removes list position options
  • Recodes to work with new J3.5 TinyMCE editor
  • Updates some HTML syntax
  • Fixes issue with parent modal closing when edit screen is opened in a modal

Content Templater
5.3.3 05 March 2016

  • Fixes issue with editor button not working at all

Content Templater
5.3.2 05 March 2016

  • Fixes issue with javascript failing in frontend

Content Templater
5.3.1 04 March 2016

  • Adds version number to own css/js files
  • Updates translations: sk-SK, sv-SE

Content Templater
5.3.0 01 February 2016

  • Adds option to add an icon before items in lists
  • Fixes issue with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility
  • Fixes issue with multiple categories not showing as buttons
  • Fixes issue with not all items showing under category buttons
  • FREE Fixes issue with missing settings
  • FREE Fixes issue with php message about undefined property $open_in_modal

Content Templater
5.2.0 28 January 2016

  • Adds ability to place templates in (simple) categories
  • PRO Adds ability to place categories in separate buttons
  • Cleans up code
  • Improves responsive layout of item edit page
  • Updates translations: uk-UA
  • Fixes issue with trashed items showing in list by default
  • Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility
  • PRO Fixes issue with not all frontend components being shown in components assignment

Content Templater
5.1.6 28 December 2015

  • Adds translations: fi-FI
  • Updates translations: bs-BA
  • PRO Updates list of browsers in Browser Assignment
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to category not working on frontend submit article form

Content Templater
5.1.5 03 November 2015

  • Fixes issue with fatal error about undefined function utf8_strtolower
  • PRO Fixes issue with HikaShop product assignment field sometimes causing module edit page to crash

Content Templater
5.1.4 31 October 2015

  • Adds translations: bs-BA
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to tags pages with multiple tag ids not working

Content Templater
5.1.3 03 October 2015

  • Updates translations: ja-JP
  • Fixes issue with editor button modal popup not showing when there are no other modal editor buttons
  • PRO Fixes issue with time assignment not working correctly (adding timezone offset twice)

Content Templater
5.1.2 18 September 2015

  • Fixes issue with category selection not showing all categories
  • Fixes issue with tags selection not showing all categories

Content Templater
5.1.1 14 September 2015

  • PRO Fixes issue with Zoo category assignment not working correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with fatal error when the GeoIP library is not installed

Content Templater
5.1.0 02 September 2015

  • PRO Adds option to assign by postal codes and ranges
  • PRO Removes option to choose Geo Location service
  • PRO Geo Location now uses service run by NoNumber
  • Fixes issue with error about Class NNFrameworkFunctions not found on some setups

Content Templater
5.0.1 13 August 2015

  • PRO Fixes issue with geo location queries sometimes breaking page

Content Templater
5.0.0 09 August 2015

  • J2.5 Removes Joomla 2.5 support
  • Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1
  • Recodes the installer
  • PRO Updates list of browsers in Browser Assignment
  • Fixes issue with popup being empty on second time
  • PRO Fixes issue date/time assignments not working correctly with some server/timezone settings
  • PRO Fixes issue with menu item selection returning blank on some settings using special characters
  • PRO Fixes issue with some Virtuemart assignments not working properly

Content Templater
4.12.4 08 May 2015

  • Updates translations: uk-UA
  • Fixes issue with fatal error about utf8_strtolower on export
  • Fixes issue with modal popup size being too large when having many templates
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with assignment to K2 page type tags not working

Content Templater
4.12.3 04 March 2015

  • J3.4 Fixes issue with editor plugin showing in Extension Manager > Discover
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with Zoo frontpage pagetype assignment not working
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with url assignment not working correctly when using the regex option

Content Templater
4.12.2 24 February 2015

  • J3PRO Fixes issue with Content author assignment giving fatal error
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with EasyBlog pagetype 'Frontpage Blog Layout' not working
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with K2 tags assignment not working and giving error
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with url assignment not working correctly when having multiple lines

Content Templater
4.12.1 23 February 2015

  • J3PRO Fixes issue with assignments on items that have no accompanying menu item not working correctly
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with time assignments not working correctly

Content Templater
4.12.0 23 February 2015

  • PRO Adds Norway counties to the Geo regions selection
  • J3PRO Adds ability to assign modules by EasyBlog page types, categories, tags and items
  • J3PRO Adds ability to assign modules by Form2Content types
  • J3PRO Adds ability to assign modules by Joomla article, K2 item and Zoo item author
  • J3PRO Adds ability to set K2 item publish state
  • Updates translations: es-ES, uk-UA
  • J3PRO Recodes assignment code
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with dates not being saved correct in regards to timezone

Content Templater
4.10.6 08 January 2015

  • Fixes issue with Free version being able to be installed over the Pro version

Content Templater
4.10.5 21 December 2014

  • Fixes issue with slashes being removed from content in some cases

Content Templater
4.10.4 21 December 2014

  • Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13
  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0
  • Updates review links to the Joomla Extensions Directory
  • PRO Updates browser detection scripts

Content Templater
4.10.3 25 November 2014

  • Updates translations: id-ID
  • Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups
  • Fixes issue with uninstallation of component not uninstalling plugins correctly
  • Fixes issues with utf-8 characters in export/import
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to VirtueMart pagetype cart not working
  • PRO Fixes issues with duplicate rows in update_sites table
  • J2 Fixes issue with simple/normal/advanced buttons not working

Content Templater
4.10.2 06 November 2014

  • Updates translations: lt-LT
  • J3 Fixes issue with Link A Text field value not being saved
  • J3 Fixes issues with list ordering not working

Content Templater
4.10.1 18 October 2014

  • J3 Fixes issue with JForm::getInstance error on list view

Content Templater
4.10.0 18 October 2014

  • PRO Adds extra geo location service: Telize
  • J3 Adds extra filters in list view
  • J3 Adds filters to search tools in list view
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to K2 categories not working correctly
  • J3PRO Fixes issue extra buttons not working with RokPad
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with assignment to tags on items with multiple tags not working correctly

Content Templater
4.9.1 16 September 2014

  • PRO Updates browser list
  • PRO Fixes issue with $article->text being empty when referenced in the PHP assignment
  • PRO Fixes issue with assignment to K2 categories not working on empty items

Content Templater
4.9.0 11 August 2014

  • Refactors code
  • Updates translations: lt-LT, pt-BR, ru-RU
  • PRO Fixes HikaShop category assignment not working
  • PRO Fixes issue with IP assignment throwing errors
  • PRO Fixes issue with Virtuemart product list being empty
  • PRO Fixes issue with edit page breaking when not using en-gb as an active language in VirtueMart
  • PRO Updates and fixed some stuff in mobile browser detection
  • J2 Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3
  • J3 Fixes issue with timeouts in assignment fields when having great amounts of articles/items

Content Templater
4.8.2 24 May 2014

  • Removes incorrect translations of the URL field description
  • J3 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.2.2
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, id-ID, nl-NL

Content Templater
4.8.1 05 April 2014

  • Fixes issue with editor button popup window not being accessible to users with only create/edit rights in certain categories

Content Templater
4.8.0 31 March 2014

  • Adds text tag which passes the given text through the JText method
  • PRO Adds ability to assign by recurring date (so date range applies every year)
  • PRO Adds ability to include content of another template in the content
  • PRO Adds assignment: Cookie Confirm
  • J3PRO Adds support for the fields in the Images and Links tab
  • Updates translations: lt-LT, ru-RU
  • PRO Fixes issue with mysql error when using FLEXIcontent assignment
  • J3 Fixes incorrectly styled yes/no buttons
  • J3 Fixes issue with nested list selections breaking when there is an item with an incorrect 'level' value
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with hours and minutes not being saved in publish up/down fields

Content Templater
4.7.1 14 February 2014

  • J3PRO Adds some missing new content setting
  • J3 Changes layout, position and display of settings to match the new Joomla 3.2 layout
  • Fixes issue with editor button not working in FlexiContent and some other 3rd party components
  • Fixes issue with some missing language strings in some occasions
  • J3 Fixes issue with html entities showing in descriptions in list view
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with auto load templates not working
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with language selection not working
  • J3PRO Fixes issue with some meta settings not working

Content Templater
4.7.0 19 December 2013

  • Improves some code in NoNumber Framework which improves page load speed
  • Fixes installation error about duplicate entry on some MySQL 5.6 setups
  • SECURITY FIX: Fixes issue with editor button popup window being accessible to all registered users
  • J2 Fixes issue with submenu not hiding on touchscreens

Content Templater
4.6.9 08 November 2013

  • PRO Fixes issue with home page assignment also showing modules on some edit pages
  • J3.2PRO Fixes issue with multiple assignment selections not working correctly

Content Templater
4.6.8 08 November 2013

  • J3.1 Fixes issue with html.php caused by v4.6.7

Content Templater
4.6.7 08 November 2013

  • Fixes issue with Geo Locating assignments not showing
  • J3.1 Fixes issue with modal popups not working
  • J3.2PRO Fixes issue with assignment selections not working or being saved correctly

Content Templater
4.6.6 07 November 2013

  • PRO Adds ability to assign to individual template styles
  • J3 Fixes Joomla 3.2 compatibility issues

Content Templater
4.6.5 16 October 2013

  • FREE Fixes issue with update failing due to false message about using old version from before Free/Pro

Content Templater
4.6.4 16 October 2013

  • Adds translations: ar-AA, ar-SA, bg-BG, bn-BD, es-CL, et-EE, fa-IR, hi-IN, hu-HU, id-ID, nb-NO, pl-PL, pt-PT, ro-RO, sr-RS, tr-TR, zh-CN, zh-TW
  • Changes javascript minification to use Google Closure
  • Updates translations: da-DK, el-GR, es-ES, fr-FR, he-IL, ja-JP
  • PRO Updates list of browsers in Browser Assignment
  • Fixes issue with tags and quotes in description messing up the list view
  • PRO Fixes issue with URL assignments not always working correctly on cyrilic urls
  • PRO Updates and fixed some stuff in mobile browser detection

Content Templater
4.6.3 04 September 2013

  • J3 Fixes issue with styling for pulldown and modal missing

Content Templater
4.6.2 28 August 2013

  • J2 Fixes issue with Simple/Normal/Advanced buttons not working correctly
  • J2 Fixes issue with incorrect icons in Simple/Normal/Advanced buttons

Content Templater
4.6.1 07 August 2013

  • J2 Fixes issue with not being able to install when Qlue404 is installed

Content Templater
4.6.0 07 August 2013

  • PRO Adds option to hide copyright info on the main admin component view
  • PRO Adds option to hide the update notification on the main admin component view
  • Updates translations: de-DE, sk-SK
  • PRO Fixes issue with 3rd party item and tag assignment fields showing categories instead
  • J3 Fixes issue with editor button not getting styled correctly on TinyMCE
  • J3 Fixes issue with error (notice) about undefined property $show_empty
  • J3 Fixes issue with update notification not working

Content Templater
4.5.0 27 June 2013

  • PRO Adds assignment: MijoShop (thanks Denis Dulici)
  • J2 Removes compatibility for Joomla 2.5 versions lower than 2.5.10
  • J3.0 Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions lower than 3.1.0
  • Changes custom html decode function (for pre-PHP 4.3 compatibility) to html_entity_decode
  • Updates translations: da-DK, de-DE
  • Fixes issue with install issues on some MySQL 5.6 setups (due to InnoDB dependency)
  • J3.0 Fixes issue with select options in multiselect checkbox lists not working

Content Templater
4.4.1 18 June 2013

  • J2 Fixes issue with editor button no longer working
  • J2PRO Fixes issue with User Group Level assignment list being empty and throwing errors

Content Templater
4.4.0 17 June 2013

  • Adds possibility to assign to menu type (complete menu)
  • J3PRO Adds Tags assignment
  • Improves minification of js files
  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • J2 Converts images in (editor) buttons to font icons

Content Templater
4.3.3 11 April 2013

  • Prepends 'NoNumber' to the component name in admin menu
  • Updates translations: it-IT

Content Templater
4.3.2 28 March 2013

  • J2 Fixes issue with settings popup showing overlay and styling being messed up

Content Templater
4.3.1 28 March 2013

  • Fixes faulty icon in admin components menu (sorry)

Content Templater
4.3.0 28 March 2013

  • PRO Adds Category Blog to content type assignment
  • PRO Adds IP Addresses / Ranges assignment
  • Changes messaging on installation on unsupported Joomla versions
  • Cleans up some code (syntax)
  • Moves/fixed location of admin menu icon
  • Updates translations: sv-SE

Content Templater
4.2.0 06 March 2013

  • Adds translations: sl-SI
  • PRO Adds Geolocation assignments (continent, country, region) using
  • J2 Adds language field to main content settings
  • Updates list of browsers in browser assignments
  • J3 Changes fieldtype of single level multi selects to chosen fields
  • J3 Fixes issue with Firefox giving unresponsive script messages

Content Templater
4.1.0 11 February 2013

  • Adds less files for generating css files
  • PRO Adds Geolocation assignments (continent, country, region)
  • PRO Adds switch for Regular Expression syntax on URL assignment field
  • Improves conversion of old Joomla 1.5 database values
  • Minifies css and js files
  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes some issues with installation breaking and throwing errors on some setups

Content Templater
4.0.3 29 January 2013

  • PRO Removes the Web crawlers / Searchbots assignments
  • Updates translations: th-TH
  • J3 Fixes issue with ordering table via the dropdown options not working

Content Templater
4.0.2 13 January 2013

  • Updates translations: hr-HR, nl-NL, pt-BR
  • J3 Fixes issue php error when NoNumber Framework plugin is not installed or enabled
  • J3 Fixes issue with import feature not working

Content Templater
4.0.1 30 December 2012

  • Fixes issue with editor button not working

Content Templater
4.0.0 30 December 2012

  • J3 Adds Joomla 3 support
  • J1.5 Removes Joomla 1.5 support
  • J2PRO Removes separate SEF and non-SEF url fields in assignments
  • J2 Cleans up code
  • J2 Moves media files to Joomla media folder
  • J2 Fixes error about XML setup file on first install
  • J2 Fixes issue with ordering setting for editor button list not working
  • J2PRO Fixes issue with VirtueMart categories not showing/working correctly when using a different default language than en_gb
  • J2PRO Fixes issue with date/time assignments not working correctly due to offset problems

Content Templater
3.2.5 24 October 2012

  • Updates translations: da-DK
  • PRO Fixes issue with k2 not being recognized when upgraded to K2 2.6.0
  • J2 Fixes issue with inserted code into JCE editor not showing

Content Templater
3.2.4 20 September 2012

  • Fixes issue with access level not being set
  • Fixes issue with override settings option not working

Content Templater
3.2.3 13 September 2012

  • Fixes some language strings
  • J1.5 Fixes issue with text not being inserted from templates

Content Templater
3.2.2 04 September 2012

  • J1.5 Fixes issue with error on component view about controller path

Content Templater
3.2.1 04 September 2012

  • J2 Fixes issue with error on some pages with no Itemid (framework issue)

Content Templater
3.2.0 04 September 2012

  • PRO Adds separate assignments for operating systems, search bots and mobile browsers
  • J1.5 Adds separate assignments for operating systems, search bots and mobile browsers
  • J2PRO Adds Akeeba Subscriptions assignments
  • J2PRO Adds FLEXIcontent assignments
  • J2PRO Adds HikaShop assignments
  • J2PRO Adds Page Type assignments to all content, CCK and Commerce assignment groups
  • J2PRO Adds RedShop assignments
  • J2PRO Adds VirtueMart assignments
  • J2PRO Adds ZOO Item assignment
  • J1.5PRO Removes separate assignments for Load by Default and Url groups
  • J2PRO Removes default option for the Show Assignments option
  • Changes ordering of assignment types
  • Changes styling and layout of assignment options
  • Updates translations: es-ES
  • J2PRO Changes Article ID text field to a multiselect
  • J2PRO Changes K2 Item ID text field to a multiselect
  • Fixes some layout/styling issues in the item edit screen
  • J2 Fixes issue with some settings not overriding default values

Content Templater
3.1.3 10 August 2012

  • Removes ability to install on Joomla 1.6 and 1.7
  • Removes ability to install on setups with php 5.2 or lower
  • Cleans a lot of code
  • Updates translations: da-DK, de-DE, es-ES, it-IT, nl-NL

Content Templater
3.1.2 09 May 2012

  • Fixes issue with installation failing (conflicted-copy)

Content Templater
3.1.1 09 May 2012

  • Adds translations: he-IL
  • J2PRO Fixes issue with page breaking when $article variable is used in php assignment

Content Templater
3.1.0 01 May 2012

  • Increases page load speed by changing how xml files are loaded
  • Increases performance when using same assignments for different templates
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ

Content Templater
3.0.2 12 April 2012

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • FREE Fixes issue with editor button not working

Content Templater
3.0.1 10 April 2012

  • SECURITY FIX: Fixes URL injection vulnerability in NoNumber Framework

Content Templater
3.0.0 07 April 2012

  • Adds translations: cs-CZ, hr-HR
  • Changes some language strings
  • Cleans up code syntax
  • Now available as Pro and Free version
  • Updates translations: fr-FR, it-IT, uk-UA

Content Templater
2.0.7 01 March 2012

  • Adds '(Un)Select all' options to multiselect fields
  • Updates translations: nl-NL, pt-BR, sk-SK
  • Fixes issue with javascript error on Eventlist frontend pages
  • J1.7+ Fixes issue with article access level setting not working correctly
  • J1.7+ Fixes issue with date tag not outputting correctly
  • J1.7+ Fixes issue with modal links opening in full window

Content Templater
2.0.6 13 January 2012

  • Fixes issue with installer not removing the folder/zip from the tmp
  • J1.7+ Fixes issue with having more than 20 items causing them to not work
  • J1.7+ Fixes some css issues causing the editor button list to not show completely

Content Templater
2.0.5 02 January 2012

  • Improves speed of toggler script
  • Removes grey overlay during loading of page

Content Templater
2.0.4 23 December 2011

  • Fixes issue with assignment options not showing on mootools 1.2+ setups

Content Templater
2.0.3 22 December 2011

  • J1.7 Fixes issue with script breaking, causing data not being checked

Content Templater
2.0.2 21 December 2011

  • Adds option to hide the 'Create new template' in the editor button list
  • Improves speed and stability of toggler script
  • Updates translations: it-IT, lt-LT, ru-RU, th-TH
  • Fixes issue with splitting the list when having a lot of items

Content Templater
2.0.1 05 December 2011

  • Fixes issue with core search pages not working because of NoNumber Framework

Content Templater
2.0.0 01 December 2011

  • Adds translations: th-TH
  • Joomla 1.7 compatible!
  • Cleans code syntax (no longer guaranteed support for php 5.2.x and lower)
  • Made loading of template a little faster
  • Moves Auto Load settings to Advanced view
  • Fixes issue with editor button list not showing properly when there is less than 2 templates to be shown

Content Templater
1.14.1 17 October 2011

  • Fixes SECURITY issue in NoNumber Framework plugin
  • Fixes issue with assignment to homepage url being case sensitive
  • Fixes issue with double checkboxes showing on long titles in select fields

Content Templater
1.14.0 08 October 2011

  • Removes help page (no help button links to online info)
  • Cleans up some code (like no more use of DS)
  • Improves installer
  • Moves translation language files to main package (no more language packs)
  • Fixes issue with dynamic tags not being handled in auto load templates

Content Templater
1.13.0 16 September 2011

  • Adds K2 tags & item assignment option
  • Adds Save as Copy button
  • Adds display of current date/time in settings
  • Adds robots/web crawlers to browser selection list
  • Adds fire of change/click/mouseup events on set fields, to trigger other function
  • Changes NoNumber Elements plugin to NoNumber Framework
  • Improves date/time assignment checks
  • Improves insertion of rich content in TinyMCE editor
  • Moves common language strings to NoNumber Framework files
  • Updates browser selection list
  • Fixes issue with JEventHandler error on some setups
  • Fixes issue with browser assignment Safari also assigning to Chrome (thanks Liam)
  • Fixes issue with date/time assignments not working
  • Fixes issue with list split in editor button sometimes not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with some html entities causing problems during import/update
  • Fixes issue with templates not working on frontend

Content Templater
1.12.1 25 April 2011

  • Fixes issue with category selection not working
  • Fixes issue with new templates showing html entities

Content Templater
1.12.0 21 April 2011

  • Adds display of current date/time in settings
  • Changes date fields to also display time
  • Changes way the mootools version is detected
  • Improves date/time assignment checks
  • Fixes issue with browser assignment Safari also assigning to Chrome (thanks Liam)
  • Fixes issue with content returning as html entities
  • Fixes issue with editor button in frontend looking weird with list view
  • Fixes issue with offset not being taken into account on time assignment

Content Templater
1.11.2 29 March 2011

  • Fixes issue with copying multiple items
  • Fixes issue with help popup in item view not working
  • Fixes issue with slashes not being handled correctly when copying items
  • Fixes some language string issues

Content Templater
1.11.1 01 March 2011

  • Changes language files to be J1.6 ready
  • Fixes issue with editor button not working for registered/author level

Content Templater
1.11.0 18 February 2011

  • Adds option to show template list above or below editor button
  • Adds option to show template list as standard selectbox (old display)
  • Adds option to show template list by ordering or name
  • Adds option to show template list on hover or click action
  • Adds option to split template list in multiple columns
  • Adjusts styling of template list of editor button
  • Fixes issue with error when list is empty
  • Fixes issue with some advanced parameters not working
  • Fixes issue with template list of editor button showing behind some editor elements

Content Templater
1.10.0 10 February 2011

  • Adds option to set text in editor button
  • Changes editor button to show list as hover element instead of selectbox
  • Fixes issue with icon images not working in list view
  • Fixes issue with public access to editor button popup page (security fix!)

Content Templater
1.9.2 15 January 2011

  • Changes extension icon / logo
  • Fixes issue with months assignment not working
  • Fixes issue with untranslated language strings in config popup

Content Templater
1.9.1 23 December 2010

  • Fixes issue with 'Use Global' values not being saved
  • Fixes issue with dynamic date tag not working correctly

Content Templater
1.9.0 14 December 2010

  • Adds assignments to seasons, months, day of the week and time
  • Adds extra dynamic tags
  • Cleans up some code
  • Fixes issue with category selection with similar cat ids also getting selected
  • Fixes issues with document being called to early
  • Fixes some issues with layout of item view
  • Fixes some issues with loading of language strings

Content Templater
1.8.0 25 November 2010

  • Adds checks to see if NoNumber Elements plugin is installed/enabled
  • Fixes and updated all language strings

Content Templater
1.7.0 15 November 2010

  • Moves some styling to global plugin
  • Fixes issue with RokBox editor messing up
  • Fixes issue with custom fields not working if field name ends with []

Content Templater
1.6.1 18 October 2010

  • Changes way content is stored (now without slashes)
  • Fixes issue with items not being saved on some setups
  • Fixes some more issues with display of Cyrillic characters in list view

Content Templater
1.6.0 27 September 2010

  • Adds Zoo support in assignments
  • Fixes issue with display of Cyrillic characters in list view
  • Fixes issue with items assigned to article ids also showing up on those section/category ids

Content Templater
1.5.4 24 August 2010

  • Fixes issue with missing language strings
  • Fixes issue with special characters on some language strings

Content Templater
1.5.3 26 July 2010

  • Fixes issue with browser assignment not working on buttons (+ error)

Content Templater
1.5.2 24 July 2010

  • Changes way version and license information are displayed (now via ajax)
  • Changes way versions and licenses are checked (no more base64)
  • Improves way the overlay is shown during template loading

Content Templater
1.5.1 19 July 2010

  • Adds display of version number in the component
  • Fixes issue with assignment to browsers not working correctly
  • Fixes issue with javascript error on slow setups
  • Fixes issue with some regex in assignment to url not working

Content Templater
1.5.0 07 July 2010

  • Adds Save & New button
  • Adds custom value fields
  • Adds different views in item edit page (simple, normal, advanced)
  • Adds global configuration options
  • Adds more assignment filters (components, date, url, browsers, users, k2 categories, etc)
  • Adds option to not display icon in editor button
  • Adds option to override values of settings when template is loaded
  • Adds option to set text in editor button
  • Changes layout of template edit page
  • Changes save and apply buttons
  • Improves removal of redundant paragraph tags before and after template
  • Made code lighter
  • Fixes issue with button displaying when no templates are available
  • Fixes issue with deprecated syntax for php 5.3+
  • Fixes issue with ordering columns not working
  • Fixes issue with separate buttons not showing when no templates are available in list
  • Fixes issue with tag parameters (="0") not being saved correctly
  • Fixes issue with template being loaded twice when no editor is used (or in html view)
  • Fixes location of Joomla! DTD files

Content Templater
1.4.1 19 January 2010

  • Fixes issue with templates not loading (bug introduced in 1.4.0)

Content Templater
1.4.0 18 January 2010

  • Changes the License Code check (now controlled by the License Manager)
  • Moves elements to separate global plugin (also used by other extensions)

Content Templater
1.3.1 02 January 2010

  • Fixes issue with error on plugin settings page (due to License check)

Content Templater
1.3.0 01 January 2010

  • Adds Commercial License Code support
  • Adds a few variables to use in the content (user, date)
  • Adds extra filters for articles
  • Adds extra filters for sections/categories (exclude)
  • Adds option to display template link as separate editor button
  • Adds support for APLite admin template
  • Adds support for APLite admin template
  • Changes file encoding to UTF-8
  • Made loading of templates a little faster
  • Fixes issue with leading and trailing paragraph tags causing new lines
  • Fixes issue with padding on the selectbox in some templates

Content Templater
1.2.3 09 October 2009

  • Changes the update check
  • Fixes issue with section/category not showing in template settings

Content Templater
1.2.2 25 September 2009

  • Fixes some issues with language support

Content Templater
1.2.1 23 September 2009

  • Removes ionCube check on JS Resources categories
  • Fixes issue with section / category selection not working

Content Templater
1.2.0 22 September 2009

  • Adds filters for load by url option
  • Adds filters for load on default option
  • Changes location of extra settings in the template item
  • Optimises program code
  • Fixes issue with errors on editor button if component is not installed
  • Fixes issue with errors on uninstallation
  • Fixes issue with special characters in different places

Content Templater
1.1.4 28 July 2009

  • Fixes bug introduced with v1.1.3 (wrong path to template file)

Content Templater
1.1.3 27 July 2009

  • Fixes issue with template xml file not being accessible in some setups

Content Templater
1.1.2 17 July 2009

  • Fixes issue with default template sometimes not loading in IE
  • Fixes issue with the "Create new template" item not working

Content Templater
1.1.1 13 July 2009

  • Changes sliding toggle option (in admin settings) to work better in IE8
  • Fixes issue with update notification not working correctly
  • Fixes issues with php4 incompatibility (MBCS warning)

Content Templater
1.1.0 29 June 2009

  • Adds 'create new template' option for (Super) Administrators
  • Adds notice when editor button is uninstalled
  • Changes auto installer
  • Changes the textarea element (made it resizable)
  • Changes the way options are shown/hidden
  • Fixes issue with default template not loading
  • Fixes issue with template not loading when frontend index is protected
  • Fixes issue with template not loading with SEF enabled in some cases

Content Templater
1.0.3 12 June 2009

  • Adds 'break it down' option
  • Fixes issue with default not loading when limit to sections / categories is selected
  • Fixes issue with sections / categories not being available to choose when Enable in frontend is set to no
  • Fixes issue with template being available on non-content pages when limit to sections / categories is selected
  • Fixes issue with template being loaded in wrong editor in case of multiple editor fields

Content Templater
1.0.2 02 June 2009

  • Fixes issue with version number not being correct

Content Templater
1.0.1 01 June 2009

  • Adds option to choose 'Uncategorized' as a section for limiting
  • Adds option to hide template in button when it is set as a default
  • Adds option to limit to sections / categories for Joomla core content
  • Adds uninstallation of (editor button) plugin when component is uninstalled
  • Fixes issue with editor button when component is uninstalled

Content Templater
1.0.0 26 May 2009

  • Adds some styles to support the AdminPraise2 administrator template
  • First stable release
  • Changes some of the artwork
  • Encodes the data for frontend access
  • Made editor button code a little lighter
  • Fixes a typo in the language file
  • Fixes issue with errors when administrator folder is password protected
  • Fixes issue with templates not loading on some setups

Content Templater
0.5.1 01 May 2009

  • Adds possibility to set the default template via the url (&ctid=...)
  • Changes different administrator elements
  • Fixes issue with ReReplacer not working correctly with editor text areas
  • Fixes issue with button image not working on frontend
  • Fixes issue with version check giving conflicts (with other NoNumber extensions)

Content Templater
0.5.0 17 April 2009

  • Adds possibility to set templates as default (to load on new article)
  • Changes loading image
  • Fixes issue with installer giving error white screen on some setups
  • Fixes issue with loading-overlay not working correctly on IE
  • Fixes issue with mootools not being included

Content Templater
0.4.5 03 April 2009

  • Changes some code in the element files
  • Changes update notification
  • Moves Dutch language from main to separate package
  • Fixes issue with category been reset when template is selected

Content Templater
0.4.4 23 March 2009

  • Fixes issue with Hebrew (and other) characters not working

Content Templater
0.4.3 19 March 2009

  • Fixes issue with not all backend fields being filled (bug created with 0.4.1)

Content Templater
0.4.2 19 March 2009

  • Fixes more issues with special characters on certain setups

Content Templater
0.4.1 17 March 2009

  • Adds import/export function
  • Fixes issue with not all frontend fields being filled
  • Fixes issue with special characters on non utf-8 setups

Content Templater
0.4.0 14 March 2009

  • (i.c.w. JoomSuite Resources or Content Submit)
  • (resulting in errors when saving templates)
  • with a lower user group level than is set in the template.
  • Adds extra error messaging when saving of template fails.
  • Adds options to limit frontend template publication for sections / categories
  • [plugin] Adds option to add a confirm alert before inserting the template
  • Made the templates (in Content Templater administrator) not available for users
  • Fixes issue with database not installing correctly on some setups
  • Fixes issue with selection of user group levels when selecting a root group

Content Templater
0.3.4 18 February 2009

  • Fixes issue regarding error 'js_res_category doesn't exist'

Content Templater
0.3.3 18 February 2009

  • Removes a redundant query that caused errors on some setups

Content Templater
0.3.2 17 February 2009

  • Adds extra info and better queries for manual installation / update
  • Adds support for JoomSuite Resources categories
  • Fixes some issues regarding errors on certain setups with install / update procedure

Content Templater
0.3.1 13 February 2009

  • Adds a query file for manual installation / update
  • Adds a resize button to the description
  • Adds language support for install / update procedure
  • Made error catching and messaging for install / update procedure better
  • Fixes some issues regarding the content editor

Content Templater
0.3.0 09 February 2009

  • Changes the way the package is installed / updated
  • Fixes issue with update check error

Content Templater
0.2.1 02 February 2009

  • Adds confirm on delete button
  • Fixes more issues with special characters in text fields

Content Templater
0.2.0 02 February 2009

  • Adds loading overlay during javascript execution
  • Adds support for setting all article fields
  • Removes the overwrite settings
  • Changes update checker
  • Fixes issue with non-published items showing
  • Fixes issue with ordering items (on new, copy, delete)
  • Fixes issues with special characters in text fields

Content Templater
0.1.2 24 January 2009

  • Fixes issue with items not saving (wrong database column name!)

Content Templater
0.1.1 23 January 2009

  • Adds title and alias fields (with options to overrule/add)
  • Implements ajax methods to retrieve template data
  • Changes some stuff regarding (un)installation
  • Fixes issue with quotes in text

Content Templater
0.1.0 17 January 2009

  • First beta release